
Top 5 Reasons to Enroll In Obamacare 2022

Obamacare 2022 enrollment

The Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare was brought into effect in 2010. The ACA aims at providing affordable health insurance for Americans. Millions of American citizens have benefitted from the ACA and have been spared from the regular tactics of insurance companies that hike up patient costs or restrict healthcare.

Most self-employed and unemployed people are seeking Obamacare 2022 enrollment this year to find affordable health insurance coverage that truly caters to their unique healthcare needs. So, people with disabilities or pre-existing medical conditions must look into the possibilities of health coverage through the ACA.

Reasons to enroll in ACA

1. Health coverage for more citizens

The Affordable Care Act met its aim of providing affordable health insurance coverage within the first five years. It provided health insurance to over 16 million Americans and young adults accounting for a large portion of the newly insured people.

The subsidies provided offer greater financial assistance and make the purchasing of health insurance less expensive for the people who qualify. Moreover, the implementation of the 80/20 rule has further added to the aid of the consumer.

Insurance companies are now compelled to spend at least 80% of the insurance premium on healthcare and make improvements rather than spending premium dollars on administrative costs. Obamacare intends to monitor and prevent insurance companies from unreasonably hiking up rates. While health insurance isn’t free of cost, it has become far more accessible to Americans from all walks of life.

2. Health coverage for even people with pre-existing health issues

Insurance companies would not be willing to insure people with pre-existing health conditions such as cancer or heart disease. Their excuse to not provide healthcare usually was to say that the medical condition or injury existed before the individual was covered by the insurance plan.

The introduction of the ACA has changed all of this. Insurance companies are now providing health coverage and medical assistance to people who have a pre-existing health conditions and are seeking Obamacare 2022 enrollment. Under the Affordable Care Act, an enrolled individual or family cannot be denied health coverage due to a pre-existing medical condition.

3. No restrictions on time limits for healthcare

The ACA has changed the healthcare industry radically by completely banning limits on lifetime benefits. Moreover, annual limits have also been phased out (Not included in grandfathered plans).

Before the ACA was introduced, people with chronic health conditions would run out of coverage in certain situations. It is because insurers would set rigid limits on the amount of money they would spend on an individual consumer. However, this has all changed and insurance firms can no longer impose preset dollar limits on health coverage that they provide to their policyholders.

4. Greater coverage of screenings

All qualified health insurance plans up for Obamacare 2022 enrollment must provide 10 essential health benefits including preventive care and wellness visits with no deductible, coinsurance, or copay.

The ACA covers multiple screenings with the hope that it will make people proactive in matters of healthcare and avoid or delay major health issues in the future. As a result, healthier consumers will lead to lower healthcare costs over a period. Let’s say a diabetes screening and early treatment may mitigate the chances of incurring highly expensive and debilitating treatment in the future.

The Affordable Care Act strives to assist Americans with higher quality and more affordable healthcare in the coming years.

5. Cheaper prescription drugs

People with low monthly incomes or older people find it hard to incur the cost of prescription medication. The ACA aims at making prescription drugs far more affordable. As a result, the ACA is covering more and more prescription and generic medications every year.

According to a press release from 2017, Medicare beneficiaries have saved up over $26.8 billion only on prescription medication under the Affordable Care Act. The health insurance marketplace is in a constant state of evolution under the ACA and seems to be getting more and more beneficial for consumers as the years progress.

Dependents such as children are now able to stay under their parents’ plan until the age of 26. Moreover, Medicaid coverage for states expanding their programs now covers uninsured citizens under 138% of the federal poverty level.

So, what are you waiting for? Prepare for Obamacare 2022 enrollmentright away!

Read More:

5 Easy Ways to Prepare For Obamacare 2022 Enrollment

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